Construct cities - Gather Devotion - Destroy Opponents

Development Team
John Stoppen - Producer
Austin Vine - Producer
Annika Blair - Lead Programmer, QA
Avery Dibble - AI Programmer
John Imgrund - Network Programmer
Joshua Mahler - AI Programmer
Andrew Chepega - Lead Designer
David Carey - Gameplay Designer
Jae Ettinger - Sound Designer, Systems Designer
Kayla Miskiv - UI Designer, Systems Designer
Samantha Arehart - Lead Artis, 2D Character Artist
Oliver Patric - 3D Environment Artist
Makayla Montes - 3D Character Artist
[Skill Development Overview]
Platform - PC/Steamworks
Development time: Fall 2019 - Spring 2020
Developed with - Unity, C#, Cubase 10, Git
Monolithic is a senior capstone project that uses networked multiplayer and blends strategy influences from RTS and MOBA alike created by Fowl Machinations at Champlain College
A new world dawns and the gods fight for sovereignty over the
land and its inhabitants. In Monolithic you guide a pantheon
of gods, and humanity itself, through time, from the dawn of
creation to the fires of the apocalypse. Raise your civilization
from the sand, build your forces, and grow your influence over
humanity. Siege enemy settlements with vast armies and break
their monoliths with devastating abilities.
Complex mixing of Foley and Synth within a DAW
Layered Synth patch creation
Use of spatial effects and parallel compression to convey scale
Synced SFX to VFX